
Activating new channels of awareness


Last week, I wrote about Carla whose virtual audience during the workshop completely changed as she gave her presentation.

Their faces in the little squares on the screen went from coldly severe to eyes shining with intense interest and some unbelievably warm smiles.

I heard from many of you when I asked for your thoughts on how Carla created that.  Carla faced a challenge that many in the world of virtual presentations face.  And few have mastered.  This can help you.

Putting yourself in Carla’s shoes, the difficulty is that when you look into the camera lens, you don’t SEE an audience.  And, if your audience is skeptical like Carla’s was, when you look at the computer screen, all you see is a wall of unconvinced faces.

In other words, you’ll get no encouragement from cold machinery or from an icy audience.  Especially at the beginning of your presentation.

Everything must come from you.

Not easy in this environment.  Talking directly to the camera lens is necessary, but it throws many people.  They freeze up.  They’re stripped of all that makes them comfortable in conversation.  It feels like “no one is there.”  No one to connect with. 

That becomes reality.  An ugly one. 

Being causative is all about creating the reality you want.  About transforming the “reality” in front of you into the highest ideal you can envision.  Creating a new reality.  The one you want.

Carla took one audience reality, one audience experience, and created another one, a completely different one.  The one she wanted.

Here’s what you need to know:

Just because you can’t see the audience, doesn’t mean they aren’t there.  They ARE there.  They ARE real people.  And they WILL respond like real people when you become someone they can connect with.

Your first step in this transformation is to move from “needing to see them” to simply KNOWING they are there.

It has to be real to you that they are there.  They have to be real to you AS PEOPLE.

Otherwise you’re just going to be talking, but you won’t be talking TO anyone. 

You’ll talk too fast, you’ll be disconnected, they’ll be disengaged and you won’t reach them.

Even beyond that, you need to be aware of them as you talk.

Effective communication is all about awareness.

Even through all the virtual machinery, people can tell whether you’re aware of them or whether your mind is somewhere else. 

They can tell whether you’re self-conscious, overly aware of yourself, whether your attention is consumed by anxiety, or making sure you cover all your material, or trying to remember what you want to say next.  All of these lose the audience.

The people in your audience can tell exactly how aware of them you are.

When you are aware of them, it greatly perks up their attention and they tune in.  They get interested.  They engage.  First with their minds.  Then with their eyes.  Then with their smiles and their words.

It all starts with your ability to really BE there and be aware of the person or persons in front of you. 

Stop telling yourself that you “need to see” them.  You are perfectly capable of being aware of them.  They are there.  Start KNOWING they are there.  Start opening up your other channels of awareness.

Notice your conversations this week.  See if you can stop the mental noise and just be fully aware and in the moment with that person.

When you can do that, you’ll get a glimpse of the power you have to impact others.

Let me know how it goes!

Be the cause!

The quickest way to warm-up a cold & skeptical audience


Carla was practicing her presentation in a recent Mastering Virtual Presentations workshop.  The audience was a grid of cold squares arranged across the computer screen.  Faces grim, mouths turned down at the corners, flat, dead eyes.  A detached virtual audience, completely unmoved by Carla’s words.

Three minutes later, Carla presented again.

She offered the very same presentation, with the very same words, to the very same audience.

Everything was the same.

Everything except the results. Those were very different.

This time the audience was leaning forward, looking at their screens with love.  Smiling.  And several of them were smiling so big, you could see dimples. Their eyes were glowing with interest and affinity.

I took screenshots of both audiences and when Carla asked me, “How did I do?”  I showed her both of the dramatically different screen shots of the exact same audience.

What changed that audience in less than three minutes?


Carla’s imagination.  

For you, it would be your imagination.

Here’s what happened.  I was helping Carla prepare for a very large presentation she’ll be giving this month.  It’s not large in terms of number of people.  There will only be 5-10 people in her audience. But it’s for a contract that’s worth billions of dollars.  Competition is fierce. Carla’s competitors are way ahead in the industry. Carla’s company is a new player. Some of the features she’ll be presenting are unproven.

Carla told me before I started coaching her, “They’re going to be very skeptical end closed-minded.”

After the first time she gave her presentation, the one to the very frosty audience I described above, I asked Carla, “What were you imagining about your audience?” 

Carla said that, as she was speaking, in her mind’s eye she could see the face of the most skeptical and closed-minded person in the audience that she knew would be there.

And that’s exactly what she got.  Her audience was grim, cold like statues. Their faces totally skeptical. Closed-minded.  Not sold.

Then I told Carla to look into the camera lens and imagine a person who really got what she was trying to tell them, who really got how good her product is and who was thinking, “I really want that. I love what she’s saying. I’d love to work with a fresh player.  It’s perfect.”

It took her a moment, but Carla did it.  And I took a screenshot of that audience as she was speaking.  Same people. Completely different audience.

Leaning forward.  Connecting.  Completely engaged.  Intense interest.  Warm smiles and great warmth in their eyes.

I would show you the screenshots, but it would be a complete violation of privacy, not to mention the non-disclosure agreement I signed!  But trust me, it was a dramatic night and day transformation.

Can you figure it out?   Carla said the same words.  Why did the audience transform?

Tell me what you think.  I’ll dive deeper into this next week.

Be the cause!

Virtual is REAL


I woke up this morning to an email from a recent student.  She just got promoted and could not be more excited.  She’s a Millennial.  It’s her first promotion.  She’s flying high.  Another student was promoted to SVP of a major Silicon Valley multinational corporation.  Someone took a screen shot of the joy in her face when she was told the news during a virtual staff meeting and this beautiful photo has been shared a thousand times.

My inbox is full of good news.  Some days I can’t even keep up with it.

I’ve been wanting to create online training for years.  My staff will tell you it’s been on my “goals for the year” for a loooong time.  I never had the time.  We were always so swamped with in-person clients, there wasn’t a moment to sit down and design training for a whole new medium.

And then “now” happened.  When I pulled the staff together and asked them what they thought about the situation, they didn’t even have to think.  They said, “Great opportunity to do what we’ve been wanting to do for years.”

And so we are. 

In the last several weeks we’ve built an online business overnight.  Everyone working overtime.  It’s going better than even we expected.

We’ve been overwhelmed by the client demand for this training.  It turns out we have people all over the country and the world who have been wanting to do our services, but weren’t able to travel or have us come there. 

We’ve trained hundreds of people in the last several weeks, WAY more than we were ever able to do in person, and the wins are pouring into my inbox more than ever.  I was delighted to discover that the amazing wins our clients have always had working with us in person also happen when they work with us virtually.  I can’t tell you how relieved I am!  I was worried the client wins would be less.  Not so!  Whew!

We were able to offer free webinars for several weeks.  But we’re now being asked to do so many sessions for individual corporations, we simply don’t have time to continue them at the moment. 

There’s one exception.  A number of organizations asked me to put something together specifically for engineers.  We have so many of them around us.  So you’ll see a free webinar just for them below (or for you if you are one!).

I’ve learned so much in the last several weeks.  Some I already knew, but it really came home to me seeing so many people win in such a short period of time:

When you have the ability to engage any audience or any individual and create a powerful impact when you’re virtual, there’s no one in the world you can’t reach. 

Despite what most people think, the word virtual does NOT mean, “Not there.” It means, “MAKE IT REAL.” The word virtual literally means, “Having the power of being real.” Even though it’s not actual, it is AS POWERFUL as if it were real.

That means your virtual presence should be as strong, powerful and real as if you were in the same room. It means your communication should be as strong, powerful and real as if you were right in front of their face. It means your impact needs to be REAL. That’s what the word “virtual” means.

When you can do that, no one tunes you out. No one multi-tasks. They listen. They get it. They respect you. They’re inspired. They buy-in. And, if you’re really good, they admire you.

That takes some serious skills.  They’re easy to learn. 

When it comes to communicating effectively, even very capable people are operating at less than 10% of their potential.  Bring out the other 90% of yourself.  It’s there waiting for you.  There’s nothing more thrilling.  You’ll fly high.

Don’t listen to feedback that’s not helpful. The only feedback you should listen to is feedback that gets you excited and makes you feel your true power is being released.

Find a good source to work with.  If you didn’t invent Jedi, you’ll need a Jedi Master to help you become Jedi.  You won’t figure Jedi out on your own.  Work with a Jedi Master and you’ll achieve extraordinary results so fast it’s exhilarating.

We’ve had many organizations have their folks do live group online training together.  It’s crazy awesome fun.  I’ve never seen groups have such a good time!  Learn new skills together and support each other and keep the skills alive when the training is over.

Possibly the most important thing I learned is that ALWAYS is a good time to develop your skills.  It’s always a good time.  You are alive and have goals that matter to you today.  Don’t back-burner your happiness.    

You are important to the world.  We need you.  We need to hear your voice.  We need you to win at the game of life.  Whatever way you do it, gain the communication skills you need so life is not directing you, but you are causing it to go the way you know it should.  We will all be happier because of it.

Be the cause!

Upcoming Online Services

NOTE:  Please check with your company’s Learning & Development department to see if our programs are in their catalogue.  If they are, that’s the best way for you to sign up.  The free webinar for engineers is not in catalogues yet.

1.       FREE Webinar: Virtual Communication Skills for Engineers

April 28, 2020

11:00 – 12:30 PST

Click here for information and to register.

2.      Live Group Webinars for Teams or Employees to Keep Morale High

Click here for information and to schedule.

3.      One-on-one Virtual Coaching to Build Life-Changing Skills

Click here for information and to schedule.