Mastering Virtual Presentations
Live Interactive Online Training and Coaching
Mastering Virtual Presentations
Training and coaching sessions
“I presented our organization’s story at a conference to an industry group of 200 executives and professionals. Even though I was virtual, I created total connection with the audience! It all came to life! Afterward, over 50 people spontaneously reached out and emailed me kudos!” – K.N
There’s nothing more powerful than an idea. Ideas drive people to act. But ideas only have power when they’re well communicated.
When you have the ability to fully engage any audience, and consistently create a powerful impact, there’s no audience in the world you can’t reach with your ideas.
Welcome to Mastering Virtual Presentations!
This is highly effective training and coaching for professionals and executives who wish to become truly great and inspiring communicators.
The abilities you gain will help you be polished as you make a strong connection with your audience and tell a great story. This coaching will not only help you during your virtual presentations, it will help you with ALL your communications
The word virtual means, “Having the POWER of real.”
Today your power depends on your ability to create “the power of real” with your virtual communications.
When you can do that, no one tunes you out. No one multi-tasks. They pay attention and listen. They respect you. They buy-in. They are inspired to act.
To make that happen takes some serious communication abilities.
This online training and coaching will help you develop these vital abilities, abilities you need to dissolve all the barriers of distance and computer screens, abilities you need to make you and your ideas so REAL, that you consistently create spectacular outcomes with your virtual communications.
You’ll learn how to connect powerfully with any audience, whether they’re senior executives, skeptical engineers, conservative technical or financial experts, your own team, a large employee base, customers, investors or prospects. Whether you’re talking to 10 or 10,000.
The abilities you gain
We can tailor this session for you and your team, so don’t hesitate to let us know what you need. In general, here is what we cover.
During this highly interactive online training and coaching program, you’ll learn how to:
Craft and deliver key messages that move others
Make a strong personal connection with your audience (whether it’s 10 or 10,000)
Create a high quality “audience experience”
Project a very comfortable and strong leadership presence
Have outstanding camera presence & make great eye contact even though virtual
Work effectively with slides so they enhance your presentation, not get in the way
Communicate confidently, clearly and persuasively
Tell a great story
Make each person listening feel the impact personally, “You are talking to me”
Significantly raise their awareness, leave them truly enlightened
Be compelling, even inspiring
Keep your audience captivated and fully engaged
Communicate at the correct speed and pause expertly for professional polish
Gain tremendous support and buy-in
Move your audience to inspired action to take the next steps
Prepare yourself for highly interactive training and coaching. In our highly popular training workshop our expert Instructors will illustrate each skill you need to master, and then follow that up by giving you live personal coaching as you practice.
It’s an experience participants call “life-changing”.
Expect to practice, receive expert feedback, intensive personal coaching and dramatic “Before” and “After” differences in your ability to influence others. You’ll develop a powerful new skill set that will help you with all of your communications. Participants say that this guided practice is the best part of the training and that our expert coaching enables them to achieve levels of success they never thought were possible.
This is unparalleled instruction. As many participants have written:
“I’ve never been to a workshop where I had such a dramatic change in a short amount of time.”
“I am now seeing results, winning hearts and triggering action.”
“It is absolutely mind-blowing the difference this training makes.”
Ingrid and Janet will set you up to win with ALL of your presentations.
Your LEAD instructors: Ingrid & Janet
Ingrid Gudenas has been the CEO of Effective Training Solutions for over 30 years, working with a long list of top-tier Fortune 500 organizations. She’s delivered programs in 53 countries and coached thousands of successful senior executives and professionals.
Janet Hanson is the Lead Trainer for ETS. She is a top-rated instructor and coach, well-loved by thousands of students the world over.
They have designed this skill-building program based on research on principles of effective communication by L. Ron Hubbard.
Comments from Participants:
“I have gained an executive presence I never thought I’d have.” – P.S.
“It felt so great to know I was connecting and engaging the panel of execs, even though I couldn’t see them. I could FEEL it! The top exec said, ‘Wow! I have no words! That was AMAZING!’.” - D.K.
Your exceptional coaching taught me and my team how to connect with every single person as though we were right in front of them wherever they were in the world. I now manage global cyber security programs and am often told by my customers and partners that the meetings and webinars I lead the best that they have ever attended. You have my highest recommendation.” – J.T.
“I absolutely LOVED these sessions. The coaching was immensely helpful!!! I used what I learned in a presentation I had that immediately followed the last session. The response I got was unlike ANY OTHER I have ever received before. Both instructors were outstanding. They coached us in the way we needed it. They told us things that might be hard to hear, but that were ultimately for our benefit. They made us feel safe. They only encouraged growth and they certainly fostered a sense of team. And, not for nothing, those two are MASTERS of virtual presentations...hands down. The training was both humbling and incredible. I feel so fortunate for everything they've taught me.” – J.H.
“It was EXCELLENT. As a result of this coaching, I’ve changed everything about my online meetings......everything. It makes my meetings more professional and add an aura of importance to them. This coaching enables me to ‘up my game’ and differentiate myself in the ‘virtual world’” – S.L.
“This will transform completely the way that I do business and my career. The complete transformation in my presentation and the way I spoke to the audience, delivered the information and brought life into a dull meeting is so exciting. Thank you so much for giving me confidence in my virtual presentation skills and helping improve my career.” – A.W.
“I give this training a lot of credit for helping me finally get to the next level in my career. I don’t think I would have made it here right now if it weren’t for what I learned. I can see such transformation in myself and in the people on my team who’ve taken your training!” - K.G.
“I found the workshop to be very productive. I am leaving here with some very valuable skills that I will use for the rest of my career.” - R.R.
“I thought it was wonderful. I felt like I was able to really shine through naturally with my communication over the virtual meeting. I will definitely be applying what I learned in class in life and at work. Thank you for such a fun and productive workshop!” - S.J.
“Simply transforming! This course transformed my virtual presentation skills to be very effective.” - M.R.
“Fantastic investment in time and resources. I learned many valuable skills that will help me in a lot of my presentations. Having recorded videos showing before and after helps me understand how to put the skills I learned into practice.” - M.D.
“Very focused, well put together and really helped me get comfortable with presenting on camera/WebEx.” – M.B.
“Surprising. I knew I had high expectations coming in but I didn’t expect to be transformed in the ways and manners we were. I especially liked that we were going after the root cause of the issues limiting us from achieving more successful deliveries. Thank you for a job well done. The way you delivered it was important.” - J.K
“Excellent. As always with classes by Effective Training Solutions, I just felt so empowered by this session. I learned skills but more importantly I learned about myself. Consider me transformed. J” - R.R.
“Very informative. Identified root cause and allowed me to build a skill I’ve never been coached on. You truly are an amazing teacher. Thank you for inspiring confidence and bringing out a professional side of me I didn’t know. I am inspired to continue applying the skills I’ve learned today.” - E.L.
“Great! We learned really usable methods for engaging an audience via WebEx. Everyone learned invaluable skills. Thanks again! ” - H.H
“Great guidance and tips from the trainers. Made great improvements to my skill-set. I especially liked the hands-on practices for presenting. The constant coaching helped to reinforce the ideas and tips/best practices presented.” - D.C.
“Great class. I learned a ton about how to be a more effective presenter. These lessons will help me drive more business and close more deals. Thank you.” - P.M.