The most important skill of a real leader

The senior execs of the organization decided to invest in Causative Communication workshops for their top leaders. The whole organization had just gone through a major reorganization. All the organizational change required leaders to successfully address the widespread shock, bring people together, inspire them and help them smoothly transition to the new reality, so the organization could move forward and be successful as fast as possible.

I had three days with them in small groups. They arrived hungry for anything that would help them. It had to be practical. It had to make them immediately more effective. They were not there to mess around.

They were focused, dedicated, serious.

We gave them focused, dedicated, serious coaching to get them to the high level of communication skill required for a real leader. We didn’t mess around.

And then they went out into their worlds to use what they learned.

Here is what one of them wrote:

“The first meeting started out difficult. The group was demoralized by all the organizational changes that are happening. Their energy was low.”

“They didn’t want to hear the same old thing, promises of nothing. And we had difficult topics on the table to discuss.”

“I used everything I learned about the Communication Formula. It was not WHAT I was saying that made the difference. It was HOW I was saying it and HOW I was listening. It enabled me to reach and connect with each person in the room, even though we were virtual.”

“I felt a spark ignite with one person, and then another, and another, and another. I saw each one of them transform, one by one. They came to life. It was solid transformation.”

“It transformed into a very uplifting meeting, with everyone inspired. I couldn’t believe how productive it was. We even talked about things outside of work, but still managed to get a tremendous amount done. I’ve never seen a group transform so quickly.”

This is a leader.

What’s different about a real leader?

A real leader inspires and impels spirit, purpose and action. More importantly, they transform.

The only tool they have is communication.

They may have vision, wisdom, strategy, experience, knowledge and a love of humankind. But it is their communication that defines them.

A great communicator surpasses all others.

The most important thing a real leader learns is that the transformation of an entire organization does not happen on a group level. Transformation is always transformation of the individual. Trying to transform the masses is fruitless.

Transformation happens one person at a time, person by person. Ultimately, the entire group is transformed.

It’s the ability to focus on, to make a real connection with and transform the individual, the ability to do it rapidly and with an infinite number of people, that makes a leader great.

In the world of a great leader, there is no “They”. There’s only the person in front of you, and your ability to transform them.

Be the cause!