Your heart need shelter nowhere


Peter, an executive I just coached, sent me a 1:15 minute video he recorded of holiday greetings that he’s planning to send to his worldwide team.

I forwarded it to Janet, our Lead Trainer, and she emailed back, “Oh, that is SO nice, so warm and sincere.  I’d want to work for him.”

Peter reaches you with his eyes. It’s so powerful, your computer monitor disappears.  Peter is right there in front of you, only a foot away.  His sincere message, simply delivered, flies unobstructed, straight to your heart.

It’s an experience.

Peter is not being “corporate”.  He’s not like anyone else.  He is uniquely himself, just as you are uniquely yourself.  That shines through.

Even in the first 1:15 minutes that you see him, Peter is someone you want to work for. That alone qualifies him as a leader.

What Peter was doing is one of the most difficult things to do.  He was communicating what is called “direct to camera”.  No humans in the room. Just Peter and the camera.

What does this have to do with you?

I have no doubt you have been extensively virtual this past year, way more than you ever expected.

Me too.  I never expected this year to look this way.  I’ve been coaching hundreds and hundreds of people, trapped in a format that’s stripped of soul and humanity, on how to make their virtual communications, relationships and presentations rich and meaningful.

When all this first started, we expected it to be over in two weeks. Two weeks felt endless, but we could endure it.

Two weeks turned into the better part of a year, with no end in sight.   One marathon after another.  And yet another ahead.

I can assure you that people are hungrier than ever for rich, real, three-dimensional, full experience conversations.

Especially in the business world.  Thousands upon thousands of human beings are sitting in front of a flat computer screen, longing for a REAL human face in front of them.

The world is starved for REAL human connections.

Right now if you can create that for the world around you, you are more valuable, more precious than jewels.  You will be showered with more gratitude than you’ve ever had in your life.

And the personal satisfaction from these connections will feed your very soul.

But how do you do that? You’re sitting in front of a cold computer monitor facing an emotionless camera lens.  How do you create a beautiful world despite this life-deprived barrier of machinery?

Next week I’ll show you how to transform your relationship with your camera to achieve a powerful connection with each person you talk with.  I’ll show you how to transcend the physical universe.

And last week I wrote about a very special free workshop I’ll be delivering in January so you can start off the New Year filled with greatness.  Here’s the link if you want to awaken the power inside you.

In the meantime, do all you can to reach out to the world around you.

It doesn’t matter what you’re talking about.  It’s not just “business”.

It’s life.  It’s us.

Refuse to disconnect your heart. 

You may have to shelter at home, like we do in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

But your heart need shelter nowhere.  Not ever.

Let your heart reach the four corners of the globe.  On behalf of the world, we need and warmly welcome your heart and all you have to give.

Be the cause!