I recently delivered a Storytelling Workshop with top-notch corporate attorneys and legal professionals. This is a very different workshop. What makes it so different is that a storyteller is an artist, and you can’t “teach” someone how to be an artist. Artists who are “taught” are never entirely themselves thereafter, their creations nevermore purely or fully emerge from their own unique selves, which is the true source of art.
With storytelling, you may only inspire. Anything else is tampering with artistic human nature.
This workshop takes them through a process that gently inspires and releases their artistic ability (yes, everyone has one). They are each telling amazing stories by the end of it. We all listen enthralled, as timeless audiences always do in the presence of captivating stories.
Every time I deliver this workshop, I am completely blown away by each new storyteller and their story told. Each person finds their own flair. Each is creative, surprising. Their stories pack a powerful punch with the messages they carry. They surprise themselves as one for one, incredible stories emerge.
I’m going to tell you about one particular storyteller, Newton. I have found myself telling his story to help me in my own causes and thought it might inspire yours.
To be relevant, stories must have a purpose and a message. Newton‘s purpose was this. Like many of us, he has a particular process he depends on others to follow to get things done right. The others want to get things done quickly. They are determined to short-circuit the process, to skip steps to get done fast. They want a good result, but don’t realize that short-cutting the process compromises the outcome. Newton’s purpose is to persuade them that following the process as is, even though it takes longer, is needed to do it well. He doesn’t want to force or put pressure on them. Newton wants them to be inspired by their own purpose to follow the process with real integrity.
Newton’s story started something like this. He told it well, and with much flair:
When I get up in the morning, the first thing I want is my fresh cup of coffee. Coffee is really important to me. (NOTE: Audience nodded vigorously at this) But not just any coffee. It’s coffee created with a very special process. (More passionate nods from the audience) I go out of my way to get special coffee beans that are roasted exactly the way I like them. In the morning, I grind the beans so they are freshly ground. And I go through the special process I have for brewing the perfect cup of coffee for me. (Audience nods with complete agreement) Yes, it takes time, but what I have is a perfect, delicious cup of coffee every morning. (Audience nodding and smiling broadly)
I could boil water and dump in a tablespoon of instant coffee and have it right away. But who wants to drink that? (Audience energetically agrees this would be horrid.)
Newton had the whole room fully engaged. EVERYONE was now bursting forth with their own “my coffee in the morning story”.
And then Newton transitioned to the importance of the process he wanted them to follow. And that’s why completing this legal process correctly is important…
As you well know, many people are extremely passionate about their coffee! And as a result, they were extremely passionate about Newton’s story. More importantly, they really GOT it! And they will never forget it.
Forevermore, in their minds this legal process is permanently linked to making a fabulous cup of coffee, something they enthusiastically appreciate and endorse. Now they UNDERSTAND the value of following the legal process to the letter with no shortcuts. And even better than that, they’re uplifted and inspired to do so. Smiling about it.
Storytelling is a universal “language” that humans the world over understand. Storytelling is one of many ways you are able to transcend logic and directly connect with the power of human nature.
You are filled with stories the world would love to hear.
Be the cause!
PS I’m a tea drinker. If you’ve ever observed the process of a real Tea Master making tea (a real treat), you can also appreciate the meticulous care, the reverence, that goes into making the perfect cup of tea. The story doesn’t have to be about coffee or tea, there are many fine examples that will suit.