What it takes to own the room

“They not only asked me to present at the conference, they asked me to give four presentations. That’s unusual, isn’t it?”

Julia was talking about a large international technology conference.

“My boss’s boss is now coming to me for my opinions. That’s unusual, isn’t it?”

Shrivar had surprised himself by surpassing his goal of being able to speak up because he was so shy.

“I’m getting lots of applause in the middle of my virtual presentations. That’s unusual, isn’t it?”

Celeste had gone from hating virtual presentations to feeling a deep human connection with her audience and experiencing a huge flow of energy back from them. They felt something from her that inspired them to spontaneously applaud several times as she spoke.

When you see the “Before” videos each one of them made, and you see where they are now, you see a transformation that’s difficult to explain or put into words. It’s the transformation from talking to communicating. It’s the transformation from powerless to powerful.

That’s the purpose of my coaching.

Someone asked me what makes my coaching different. I’m going to talk about one thing I do, and one thing that all of our incredible ETS Coaches do, that makes it extraordinary. My purpose in telling you is perhaps knowing what I focus on will help you focus on this too as you go to your next meetings and give your next presentations.

Many communication coaches and programs coach the visible: the hand gestures, the voice inflection, emphasis on certain words, body language, the slides, the smile. The visible, physical mechanics.

I coach the invisible. The invisible is manifested, and others can see it, but what I coach is not visible.

I coach: Being there, presence, affinity, attention, awareness, interest, intention, creating understanding, command, dignity.

None of these are visible. You can’t put affinity or intention into a jar.

But when they are present in your being and you emanate them, they are palpable. Palpable is one of my favorite words, but it’s not well understood or often used. Palpable means “an aura, energy or atmosphere so intense as to be tangible.”

It’s not visible, but you can feel it.

Palpable is when someone walks in and owns the room. You don’t know what it is about them, but it’s unmistakable. Palpable is when someone commands your attention. Palpable is when someone’s words sink deep into your soul. Palpable is when you feel a powerful surge of inspiration. The source of what they’re doing is not visible nor easily explained, but you can feel it.

People intuitively recognize that the invisible force that comes straight from you is what makes you powerful.

When you master this, everything else falls into place. Your body language, your voice, your poise, your posture, even your words. Most definitely your certainty and confidence. Most importantly, your success.

Increasing your awareness and pouring energy on developing these invisible qualities I’m writing about (the ones listed above) takes you from talking to communicating, makes you visible and compelling. Compelling means irresistible. It doesn’t get any better than that.

People often tell me, “This is what I’ve been looking for, for a long time. I never knew what it was. I couldn’t put it into words. I’ve been chasing the wrong things.”

The invisible things are the powerful things. Develop those. Then watch as your whole reality transforms.

Be the cause!