The secret for how to get promoted more easily, more often

Sometimes my students write the best articles. I think you'll be inspired by this success story.

I've worked with MANY people who wanted to get promoted. They have tremendous technical expertise and many other abilities and fine qualities. The key differentiator that always ensures true recognition and significant success for them is gaining the ability to communicate at the high level of skilled communication that their lives require.

One gentleman, whose name is Krishna, perfectly illustrates this.

This is what he wrote me:

"Before I took the Causative Communication class, I was told I had ‘poor potential’ for becoming management because I lacked the communication skills to be a good people manager.”

“Since the training, I have been getting promoted every 8 months. I now have 21 people reporting to me. In an anonymous survey, the 21 people rated me the highest possible as an effective manager.”

“The thing I learned in the class that made all the difference in my life was this: Since the class there is not one conversation or meeting that I have that does not result in perfect understanding -- both ways -- I understand and I am understood." 

That's the perfect simplicity of truly effective communication: to understand and to be understood.

Done perfectly, and successfully accomplished with dedication in every conversation, it results in astounding success. And joy.

You can see how powerful it is. And how much others value it.

Krishna will also tell you it’s tremendously energizing. He bounces out of bed every morning and eagerly walks into every meeting. He leaves each meeting smiling.

At the end of the day, he’s got lots of good news to talk about when he gets home.

The secret to this simplicity and to this power is that if you focus on doing these two things perfectly – understanding and being understood – the outcome you want, or an even better one you didn’t even imagine, happens naturally.

If more people knew this, they would save themselves a lot of frustration.

The mistake people make is they fixate on the outcome they want. And then they make every communication mistake that can be made trying to get it.

It does take an abundance of communication, more communication, never less. The quantity factor is important, but is effective only when the quality is closest to perfect.

Krishna mastered the secret and the skills to execute on it. And not just execute on it, but execute on it in every conversation. That’s a communication master.

He is where he is now, but I can assure you that where he is going is to even greater heights. Not just of leadership, but joy.

I happen to know that amazingly good things are happening also in his personal life, but we’ll leave his personal life personal.

What does this mean for you?

Use all the communication skills you have, both speaking and listening, to create understanding, to understand and be understood. Focus on this. And watch what happens to the outcome. And the relationship.

Do let me know. I love hearing.

If you need any help with that, there’s always an online and in-person training that will help you.

Be the cause!