The only script you’ll ever need


I’ve been asked to coach the CEO of a major global corporation. I haven’t met him yet, I’m preparing.  Google his name and hundreds of videos appear.  I’m watching portions of many of them to assess where I can help him.

He has no problems with stage fright. He steps forth boldly, seemingly self-assured.  Almost a little cocky.

His slides are impeccable. They meet all world-class standards.  Not too much, not too little, fabulous graphics.  He works well with his slides, doesn’t look at them at all.

His content is honed, his key messages expertly crafted. No doubt innumerable people and hours invested sharpening them, putting them into just the right sequence.  Succinct, logical and even interesting.

He delivers the message with great conviction. Strong voice.

His pauses are deliberate.  Well-timed humor.  Rehearsed.

I’m watching theater, not communication.

He’s working very hard to impress.

The problem is, I can see the script.

The problem is, he IS the script.

The problem is, there’s no personal connection with him.  No soul.

He creates an audience of spectators.  Spectators never are part of the action, they’re disengaged, detached, distanced, sitting back and observing.  Not drawn in.  They’ll never give away their hearts or their trust to you.

He’s “on stage,” too aware of playing to an audience.  He’s talking to “everyone.”  You don’t get the feeling he’s talking to you.

He’s not interested in his audience (you).  He treats his audience with the covert message:  Your only purpose for being here is for me to get you to think what I want you to think.

It’s a very well-crafted performance of, “I’m doing this so you think that.”

Somewhere along the line he lost himself.   He is gone. 

He’s crafted the persona he’s been told Wall Street, and a faceless group of investors, demands. I’m seeing the complete absence of him as a person, but now only the superficial performance of a well-scripted theatrical role: “the successful CEO you should invest in.”

This is a man who has been given so much “feedback”, it overwhelmed and finally drowned his soul.  Unfortunately, he’s listened to it.

Somewhere along the line he got the idea he couldn’t win as himself. So he agreed to create this artificial construction.

My job is to return his soul back to him.

To help him reach and find that quality and spark of life, that essence of himself, that is uniquely his, that makes him different from the 7.5 billion other people on this planet.  To bring him back to himself.  To show him how true communication works.  To help him experience success as himself, not as a performer designed to fit the strait-jacket of others’ scripts for him.

He’ll be a thousand times more successful as himself.  Even more importantly, he’ll be unique.

And, most good of all, he’s going to experience the joy of finding himself again.  I can’t wait to see this happiness on his face.

But, looking at him right now, connecting to himself is one thing … There’s great passion for his message.  But what does he feel for his audience?  Nothing.  He just wants to impress them.

My job is to rekindle his ability to connect with humanity.

It’s a whole different experience when you look at your audience and, instead of seeing a group of blank-faced investors whose money you want, you see human beings. That’s the only chance you’ll have of winning their hearts.

And the best part of that is how connected he personally will feel when it happens.

It always makes me sad to see how “success” and living up to others’ expectations can bend a person out of recognition.

What people will most respond to is you.  The you who’s not like anyone else.  And they respond to your genuine love for, interest in and understanding of them. This is the heart and soul of humanity.

There’s no reason for it to get lost in corporate presentations.  No matter where you are in the corporation. 

The best part of working with him will be that moment where it all clicks into place.  We’re talking real confidence.  Real connection.  Real communication.  Real success.

I’ve helped people close billion dollar deals.   It’s much sweeter and longer-lasting in the presence of real humanity.  Yours and theirs.

Impressing people is a shallow victory. Being the REAL you, creating rich understandings, connecting your soul, heart and mind with theirs is for forever.

Be the cause!