What is essential is invisible to the eyes

“What is essential is invisible to the eyes.”

Maxwell was quoting Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the wonderful French writer, author of the lovely book The Little Prince.

Maxwell was a student in the early morning Causative Communication workshop I was delivering for European students last week.  We were wrapping up the last 5 minutes of the 2-day training, talking about the class.

The golden sun was rising in California as he spoke.

Maxwell continued: “The Little Prince is required reading for every child in my country.  I thought of this quote because ‘the invisible’ is what I believe you work on in this class, and this is what we have learned to do.”

He was right.

We work on awareness.



Connecting with other human beings.



Being there for someone.



The magic that happens when others fully understand you.


You can certainly see the effects of each of these in the physical universe. The effects are visible and profound. 

They powerfully transform the energy, the chemistry, the dynamics, the relationship, and they profoundly direct the ultimate outcome of every conversation or meeting.

They are the driving forces for success. For being in control.  For respect.  For trust. For mobilizing human power for good.  For transforming the negative. For building together, shoulder to shoulder.  For creative collaboration.  For joy. 

They are the causes of much goodness, of great pleasure moments.

These are the essentials that Maxwell learned to ignite in the workshop.

These, the true causes, are invisible to the eye, although they are very visible to all of our other senses.  The senses we have but don’t talk much about.  The ones humanity doesn’t quite yet fully grasp.  The ones most intimate to our being.  To our sense of self.

The senses of perception that, if we learn to rely on them, always lead us in the right direction.

The full quote from Saint-Exupéry is: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.”

To see rightly changes the course of our lives.

He is speaking of the invisible heart. 

The real heart.

The real you.

The real you who does see rightly and knows.

The you that is you.

It is the you that is you that is cause.

It is this you that is capable of creating all transformation.

If you are understanding my words, it is because I am telling you what you already know.

Be the cause!