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The difference between facing and creating reality

Everyone was yelling at everyone else.  Demanding.  Blaming because it didn’t arrive.  Every day bad news. 

Harry works in Supply Chain in a major global high-tech corporation.  His job is to get raw material purchased and into their factories around the world.  Harry needs tremendous cooperation. He has to get suppliers to commit to selling their product to him and not to all the others clamoring for it, then wait for the supplier to ship it to his factory where it has to be manufactured and then get it shipped to their anxiously awaiting customer.

If Harry doesn’t have it arrived at the factory by the beginning of the month, it won’t make it to his organization’s customers by the end of the quarter, damaging customer loyalty, quarterly revenue performance, sales compensation and everyone’s disposition.

With the extreme supply chain shortages happening today, materials are short. Tempers are even shorter. 

In the midst of all this, Harry had a very good year.  Actually, a great year.

What makes Harry different?

He’s not letting circumstances dictate either his success or his mood.

Harry spent much of 2021 not listening to anyone’s version of the world, but powering through a self-created, focused and demanding professional development program to up-level his skills. 

Harry gained challenging-to-master but amazingly powerful Causative Communication® abilities to deal with life’s toughest situations and a world gone mad.

Where others are getting into conflict, unpleasant disputes and blame, Harry has been busy creating great conversations and great relationships.

As a result, Harry has built stronger bonds, greater loyalty and people who will bend over backwards to make things happen for him.

Not surprisingly, Harry is succeeding at getting materials to his factories faster than others in his profession.  It went from, “There are no materials available anywhere at any price” to “Harry found a supplier who will ship.”

Everyone is marveling at his “magic touch.” 

The word relation comes from relacioun which meant connection.  And -ship came from –schipe which meant quality of, condition of being.

Relationship means the quality of connection.  Relationships can range in quality from poor to average normal to exceptionally good.

Relationships make the world go round.  They ARE the “magic touch”.

The only thing that improves relationship quality to the point of magic is communication. 

Exceptional communications lead to exceptional relationships.

Which of course, lead to exceptional outcomes.

All of it begins with a decision.

The decision to stop allowing circumstances to dictate your mood or your success.

Harry demonstrates this beautifully by his independence of mind.  He creates a new reality daily.

People can tell you about the state of the world, what is and isn’t possible, what’s going to happen in 2022. They can tell you these things.  It doesn’t make them true.  They only become true when you decide they are true.

The truth of others may spoil our dreams if we follow their truths too closely.  It’s only ever your own truth that ignites the spark that makes the real goodness in your life begin.

Don’t look at what other people are doing to find out what you are capable of. Your standards may be much higher than theirs. 

If you want to be 2022 to be exceptionally good, don’t consult reality. Consult your dreams.  They’re a higher truth.  Use your dreams as the basis for your decisions.  Let your dreams guide you through your days.

From there, the work is to build exceptionally good relationships.  And let the magic begin.

2022 can certainly be your brightest, your best, and your happiest year ever.

Be the cause!

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