Independence and the secret to being causative

Tomorrow, we in America celebrate a time-honored ideal, openly proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence of 1776.

Independence then, and independence today, means freedoms and liberties.

Independence as individuals comes down to freedom to see the world the way you see it, to believe what you believe, to want what you want.

Independence in communication is vital if you want to stay causative.

Dependence is defined as an action growing out of another action.

Causative means that you are the source.

Worrying about what others are going to think, fear of their reaction, being excessively careful not to ruffle feathers … All of these cripple communication.

I can't tell you how many times clients come to me and say, “I just have to put up with it for now because I don’t want to shake things up right now. I’m just going to let it go for now.” And they suppress their own communication and chance for success. “For now” turns into a very long time.

If you need everyone to agree before you stand up to speak, you’ll never make anything happen.

This doesn't mean that you don’t cooperate or that you don't build relationships. Without others, we are a lonely island indeed.

But you have to maintain your own independent viewpoint if you want to communicate causatively.

Simply put: Think what you think. And make that what you communicate.

Instead of worrying about what “they” think or what “they” are going to think, learn how to transform what they think into real understanding. Elevate what they think. Learn how to change how they think. Raise their eyes so they see a wider horizon. That’s what vision is. That’s what leadership is. And communication is how you achieve it.

Independence originally meant a law unto self. Because you are the one who makes the laws of your life.

These “laws” come from maintaining your own independent viewpoint and the ability to effectively communicate straight from that viewpoint. That’s what determines your freedoms. And your future.

Happy Independence Day!

Be the cause!