
The journey towards 100% certainty

Inspire Looking Child

I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve heard or read the words, “We are living in a time of uncertainty.” 

I’ve been around for a while and I can’t EVER recall living in what anyone would call “a time of certainty.”  As a student of history, I can’t name any past civilization that I’d characterize as “a time of certainty”, including the Golden Age of Greece in the time of Pericles which was considered one of the best.

Persons today writing or saying that this is “a time of uncertainty” may be describing their OWN world view (and they’re likely to be having quite an awful day as a result), but it certainly doesn’t need to define your reality.

The word certainty means freedom from doubt. It also means unfailing and always producing the intended effect.

Imagine being free of doubt.  Imagine being unfailing and always producing your intended effect.  That’s what certainty is.

Certainty came from the Latin word certanus which meant full of confidence in one’s knowledge or judgment.

Doubt is the opposite of certainty. Freedom from doubt is powerful. A good dictionary will tell you that doubt means:

  • to waver or fluctuate

  • to hesitate

  • to be in suspense

  • to be missing confidence

  • to believe truth or fact to be undetermined

  • to fear, be apprehensive, to suspect

  • to be in an unsettled state

Doubt came from the Latin duo which meant undecided between two things.

Clearly, a feeling of certainty is one of the most important feelings you can have.  A feeling of certainty is both desirable and VITAL for a happy life.  Having a feeling of certainty about yourself feels GREAT.

It’s not a feeling you want to have go away.  You want to feel certain … all the time.

But how do you achieve that?

The question that shines a light on this path is this one:  Do you derive your certainty from WITHIN?  Or from outside?

Your answer defines the degree of certainty AND happiness you can look forward to.

When certainty comes from the outside (what other people, economic conditions, news media, etc. are doing or going to do), you can all too easily get blown by the wind, and who knows which way the wind will blow?  You’ll NEVER have enduring certainty and any certainty you THINK you have, will blow away one day.

When your certainty is from within, it’s ALWAYS a time of certainty.

Let tell you some real examples from the hundreds I have heard from the professionals and execs who recently completed our online courses on Building a Foundation for Causative Communications and Mastering Virtual Presentations.

I’ll give you three examples of what increased certainty does.

A manager was leading a team meeting and, unexpectedly, politics flared up.  The conversation suddenly became an inferno of miscommunication, became very tense and people got upset.  Using all the skills she gained, she guided the conversation into and through the tough issues to a positive outcome where everyone felt happy and satisfied.  She especially made sure EVERYONE felt heard and acknowledged.  She turned it into a meaningful, emotionally impactful conversation that had a profound impact on all of them.  It brought the team together in a powerful way.  Afterward she was flooded with “Thank you” notes.

A client wrote me, “I am transformed.  I really needed the skills this week.  I turned every negative situation into a positive.  I pumped affinity and real understanding into every situation.  My week is now absolutely fabulous!  I just kept thinking, 'Is this really happening?'  I walked away so charged up, I was ready to take over the world!”

An engineering professional who had been extremely nervous presenting to senior execs (especially virtually) wrote me after a very important presentation: “It felt so great to know I was connecting and engaging the panel of execs, even though I couldn’t see them.  I could FEEL it!  At the end of my presentation, the top exec said, ‘Wow!  I have no words!  That was AMAZING!’.”

I’m receiving email after email from many other students sharing their extraordinary wins.

What does this have to do with certainty?  And with you?

When you take your communication skills to an extremely high level, your impact on the world around you is powerful, inevitable.  Your doubts about yourself, about the future, the world around you vanish.  You have great certainty.

In today’s world, especially because we’re virtual, it takes EVERYTHING I’ve been writing about in these articles to create it – but MORE of everything than before!  It takes MORE imagination, MORE being fully present, MORE really connecting with the other person or persons, MORE focused attention, MORE full affinity, MORE speaking with powerful intent, MORE listening, and MORE total acknowledgements so the other person feels truly heard.  These are all things you want to SPLURGE on right now!

I live my life with certainty.  And I’m dedicated to helping you live yours with certainty too, with extraordinary communication and presentation abilities that always work for you, with freedom from doubt.

I love certainty.

I am certain these three people I’ve written about will hit it out of the park again, that their success is just beginning.

I have 40 clients I’m working with this week.  I am certain I’m going to love them and make some lifelong friends. I am certain they will have extraordinary realizations about their communications and relationships.  I am certain they’ll experience enduring life-changing wins and that they’ll gain abilities that make them stand out.  I’m certain they will have a positive impact on the world around them.  And at home too.

I’m certain we will laugh.  A lot.

Do I know when I’ll be able to walk into a store without a mask? No.  But is that running my life? Not at all.

I have WAY more things on the list of things I’m certain of – and all the IMPORTANT things are on that list.

Certainty comes from being able to cause the outcomes you want. It comes from self-confidence.  And that comes from competence.  

And attitude. An attitude that says you look within for what you want.  An attitude that you can create anything you want. 

Attitude alone WITHOUT skills gets defeated.

The people who have abilities plus attitude are the ones who are going to change the world.  People like YOU!

I’m certain that good things are created on an individual level first, that individuals begin to impact other individuals around them, and that begins to impact a group and a wider and an expanding sphere of life.

I’m certain if good people (like you) are filled with their own inner certainty, that we can have a golden age ahead.

I’m certain you are unique.  I am certain you are important.  I will bet that you are a stabilizing force for the world around you.   The world needs you.

Live in a world of certainty! 

If I can help you do that, email me.  I am committed to helping you in your journey towards 100% certainty.

Be the cause!