Make Sure Your Employees Are Well Trained
With 100% Proficiency employees demonstrate they are 100% Proficient with each aspect of their job.
“We now are finding that production managers are demanding the high level of competence which comes from 100% Proficiency training – they are demanding competence from their staff and from all the other departments, which pushes the envelope for the whole company.”
-- Senior VP Operations
“100% Proficiency has allowed us to really keep a laser focus on the behaviors and processes that matter most. We have found our employees to be more motivated with a higher production output. We have seen a higher caliber employee come out of our training classes and they are staying with the company longer which has reduced employee turnover with employees trained with 100% Proficiency. Simply put, 100% Proficiency has made us a stronger company, allowing us the opportunity to bridge the gap between ‘thinking they know’ to ‘knowing they know.’”
-- President