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How to transcend the physical universe...through a camera lens

Last week I promised to show you how to transform your relationship with your video camera so you can create a powerful connection with each person you talk with. 

I’m assuming you share something in common with the hundreds and hundreds of people we’ve been helping develop strong virtual communication and presentation skills these past 9 months:  they all hate talking to the camera. 

They feel it’s bad enough they’re not in person.  That alone makes it more challenging to build trust and a great relationship quickly.

But when they find out they’re not supposed to look at the other person’s picture, they really don’t like it.  A completely understandable reaction.

Here’s the worst part of being virtual: It doesn’t matter whether you’re “direct to camera” or in a virtual meeting, you have to build a rich, meaningful human connection through the camera.

You have to look straight into, and talk to, a cold, dark, empty, little lens.  You don’t get to experience even one human face, or the warmth of someone else’s eyes as you’re doing it.

So, how do you create a meaningful connection sitting in front of an impersonal computer monitor facing an empty, life-deprived camera?  There’s only one way to do that.

You have to transcend the physical universe.

Transcend means to rise above, go beyond the limits of.  In the 14th century it meant escape.

I’ll show you how.

When you look into that camera lens, the first thing that hits you is its cold inhumanity.

That camera lens doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t hear you. It doesn’t respond to you.  It feels nothing for you.

And yet that lens is your ONLY portal into the other person’s world.

Most people look at that lens like it’s a piece of furniture.

It is, of course.  But if you look at that lens like it’s a piece of furniture while you’re talking, your eyes will be empty, dead, flat. When the other person sees you, you might look very “professional”, but there won’t be any life in your eyes.  Zero human connection between you.

To create that deep human connection, you have to look at the camera lens a certain way.

You have to look at the lens not only as if it were another human, and not only a human you care about.  That’s just the start

You have to look at that camera lens like you are looking into the eyes of a human who cares about you, even loves you. 

You probably haven’t seen yourself, your face, your eyes, when someone who loves you looks into your eyes.

I’ve had a front row seat studying all forms of communication for over 30 years.

I’ve also had, and have, much love in my life.  Much love I have given, much love given to me. 

Love transforms.

I know what you look like when someone who loves your looks into your eyes. Your eyes completely change.  They even change their shape. They come alive. They’re radiant. You are radiant. 

You never look more beautiful. You never look more handsome. Than this moment.

The human connection you create at that moment is at its most powerful.

It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. It doesn’t matter how your hair looks. The true beauty that is you emerges from inside and radiates to the outside world, creating a spectacular, invincible human connection. 

The reason for this is that when someone who loves you looks into your eyes, it triggers within you a feeling of mutual affinity, and from your eyes pours out a beautiful expression of spontaneous affinity and caring.

This is the ESSENCE of human connection. 

It has no borders. It transcends culture. I know. I have delivered our programs in 42 countries. There isn’t one country where this isn’t true.

It even transcends the physical universe.

If you create this experience when you’re virtual, you will have a conversation like no other.

Actually, you have to realize that when you’re virtual, to be effective, you MUST transcend the physical universe.  

The physical universe is a trap. It’s designed to trap you into thinking you can’t connect with the person on the other side.

You have to elevate yourself to a realm of human experience and creative imagination that transcends this.

No, it’s not easy. The first pitfall you’re going to encounter is the camera lens itself. That cold, unfeeling, unresponsive piece of furniture you need to look directly into.

BUT, when you look into the camera lens, refuse to be fooled. Refuse to see a camera lens.

Look into that lens and see a pair of eyes and a wonderful human who loves you.

So much in life is designed to kill the imagination we’re natively born with.  Re-activate yours. 

You’re capable of great imagination.  You’re capable of great love.

Look into that lens, and refuse to be trapped by the physical universe.   You are greater than it. Create a reality that transcends this cold one with your imagination.

It doesn’t matter what you’re talking about. Finance, other numbers, your product, dry legal stuff, engineering data, strategy, sales results, doesn’t matter.

The truth is that you ARE talking to a human being, someone who has awareness and a heart.

Tap into that awareness and heart, yours and theirs.  

It’s a new universe you’ll create. You’ll find it easily conquers the physical universe and opens the virtual portal for you to cross through and create a rich, meaningful conversation and relationship on the other side. 

I can assure you that people are hungrier than ever for rich, real, three-dimensional, full experience conversations.

Especially in the business world.  Thousands upon thousands of human beings are sitting in front of a flat computer screen, longing for a REAL human face in front of them.

The world is starved for REAL human connections.

Right now if you can create that for the world around you, you are more valuable, more precious than jewels.  You will be showered with more gratitude than you’ve ever had in your life.

And the personal satisfaction from these connections will feed your, and their, very soul. 

If you need help, then get the coaching we offer to move you through the steps towards  mastery.  It doesn’t take long and it’s life-changing.

Also, I’ve announced a very special free workshop I’ll be delivering in January so you can start off the New Year filled with greatness.  Here’s the link if you want to awaken the power inside you.

Be the cause!

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