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Shifting out of automatic

John is charming and lovable. But when you put him in front of a prospect, all that drains away and he turns into a “sales guy”. The second he starts talking, it’s like you pushed “play” and he shifts into automatic.

Joan’s affinity automatically drops from warm to hard and cold if you say something she doesn’t like.

Jeff automatically becomes stiff and “corporate” in any conversation where he feels he’s on stage or senses there might be push back.

None of them knew they were doing this until they saw themselves on video during the Causative Communication Workshop.

The problem with shifting into “automatic” is that YOU are not there. It’s like something else has taken over and is talking for you. That something else is a machine, it’s not you.

That machine has no alternative but to do exactly what it’s programmed to do.

You, on the other hand, are the most creative, inventive and intelligent force in your life.

You don’t need to see yourself on video to start becoming aware of times when you shift into automatic. It happens to everyone, so don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself doing it.

Shifting out of automatic and into spontaneous action is liberating.  It restores your power. And it’s the only way for you to be causative.

I wish you could have seen the final videos from John, Joan and Jeff. You’d be blown away. You’d be instantly attracted to them. What they say in those videos is compelling, in an authentic, deeply heartfelt way that draws you into their world.

You are the most causative agent in your life. When you notice yourself shifting into automatic, make sure you bring the real YOU back as quickly as possible.

Be the cause!

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