Effective Training Solutions

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Quitting the prison-grade presentation diet

I joined the virtual meeting right on time. The five of them were already there for the one month follow-up session after an intensive virtual coaching program.

A strong reflex made me sit up straight and smile the moment I saw how they looked.

They were perfectly positioned.  Five beautiful faces filled the screen.  Their camera presence was strong and polished.  Beaming, eyes radiant with confidence.

They looked straight into my eyes.  Completely natural with the camera.  

Instant connection.  Penetrating.

It had nothing to do with their visual backgrounds, what they were wearing, their hair, or lack of it.  It all came from within.

They were warm.  They were powerful. Most people are one OR the other. They were both.

Then each of them took turns speaking. Straight to me, straight to my mind, direct to my heart.

One of them would have been enough to make me sit up straight and smile. The power of five simultaneously was dazzling.

They’re a sales account team that works together to sell very expensive products and services in an extremely competitive high-tech industry. They were chosen for the coaching by their manager because they’re high performers.

They have been practicing what they learned for a month, at every meeting, in every conversation, with every presentation.

Their one word to describe how it initially felt when they started this journey was “uncomfortable.”

But that didn’t stop them.  They ignored the discomfort and did it anyway, struggling at first, encouraging each other, never slowing.  Always onward.

Little by little, small successes were followed by bigger ones.

And here they were. One month later. Confident.  Successful.

Their presentations make other presentations look impoverished. 

Without being “salesy”, they make you want to move forward.  Now.

They inspire you and leave you feeling different. 

Rock stars.  Individually.  And as a team.

I remember when they started their program with me.  I talked to them about their magnificence and how we were going to bring it out during the coaching.  They looked at me like I was crazy.  Enthusiastic, but crazy.  None of them could even imagine it.

Now, a month later, they’d enjoyed a rich diet of creating extraordinary communications and it was clear they would never go back to the prison-grade diet of plain and ordinary presentations.

As one of them said, “People can choose to be plain and ordinary. I now choose to bring out what is magnificent inside of me.”

It’s a choice we make.  Every moment of every day. Plain or magnificent.

It’s not a destiny. It’s not something that “happens” to us. It’s not luck. It’s not something you have to be born with.  It’s not a personality trait.  It’s not something other people decide for you.

It’s under YOUR control.  It’s based on a choice you make.


Everything we do here is designed for those who choose MAGNIFICENT. If that’s you, then get the skills you need to bring that out.

The sales team I coached already HAD magnificence inside them.

The training we provided gave them a way to bring it to the surface.

If you’re ready to start that journey, hit “reply” and let me know…

Be the cause!

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